Exercise 0: Perform Singlepoint Calculations
In the following exercises, computational settings including the reciprocal space grid (tag k_grid
), the basis set, and supercell's size, have been chosen to allow for a rapid computation of the exercises in the limited time and within the CPU resources available during the tutorial session. Without loss of generality, these settings allow to demonstrate trends of the lattice dynamics of materials.
In the production calculation, all computational parameters should be converged.
Estimated total CPU time: 3 min
In this exercise, you will learn:
- How to set up input files of FHI-vibes.
- How to use the command line interface of FHI-vibes.
- How to perform single-point calculations with FHI-aims by utilizing FHI-vibes interface.
For this part we would use silicon (Si) structure. In the directory:
file with a primitive unit cell of
Fm\(\bar3\)m-Si. Additionally you would find a file aims.in
which contains the settings of the interface between
FHI-vibes and FHI-aims.
Let's inspect the input file:
geometry: geometry.in
name: aims
socketio: true
xc: pw-lda
compute_forces: true
density: 3
Si: light
The input settings are defined by the so-called sections
, [calculator]
) with argument names on the left hand side,
delimited by :
or =
, from the according values on
the right hand side. The right hand side can be any
JSON datatype1, but for us the most important are just plain strings,
numbers, and arrays.
Section files
The section files
contains a geometry
reference to the structure we
want to investigate. In our case this is file: geometry.in
which means that the input geometry is taken from geometry.in
Section calculator
and calculator options
Next sections contain all the commands you would usually write to a
FHI-aims control.in
file, only that you delimit each keyword-value-pair by :
We are going to use FHI-aims as it is written in the
-name line.
Section calculator.parameters
These keywords correspond one-to-one to the FHI-aims keywords that are
written to control.in
. Keyword-only arguments like
should be given with the value true:
xc: pw-lda
vdw_correction_hirshfeld: true
spin: collinear
use_gpu: true
Section calculator.kpoints
Instead of giving a k_grid
explicitly, FHI-vibes can compute
a density
such that the density of k-points does not fall below
this value in Å\(^{-3}\). This is optional, setting k_grid
is equally valid. If the density
used the k-point value along each reciprocal lattice vector is computed
in proportion to the length of this lattice vector.
In order to understand how ASE generates k_grid
based on density
variable, we could manually perform the calculations for primitive unit cell of Si.
Manual transformation of density
into k_grid
The Si lattice vectors have the following values:
The reciprocal lattice vectors would then be:
The number of kpoints along each reciprocal lattice vector
(\(k_x\), \(k_y\), \(k_z\)) is proportional to the density
variable (\(d\))
and lenght of this particular reciprocal lattice vector (\(b_x\), \(b_y\), \(b_z\)):
Note, that after the calculations using formulas above, the number of kpoints is by default rounded to the nearest even value.
Consequently, for primitive unit cell of Si and density
= 3 (after rounding), we
would obtain k_grid
= \(6\times6\times6\).
Section calculator.basissets
Here you can name the type of basis set you would like to use for your
computation. In our case, by default FHI-vibes, wrote light
basis set, but for
production calculations, the basis set needs to be converged by also
trying intermediate
and tight
, if not really_tight
. For the purpose of the tutorial,
we are going to utilize light_spd
basis set. Thus, please change light
to light_spd
Si: light_spd
Section calculator.socketio
Sets up socket communication via SocketIOCalculator. This has the potential to speed up calculations since a complete restart of FHI-aims after each completed SCF cycle is avoided. This feature is optional, but recommended to use when performing calculations for related structures, e.g., for phonon calculations as would be shown in next exercises.
The settings file, we just explored, contains all the necessary settings to set up single-point calculations with FHI-vibes using FHI-aims as the calculator. This file could be created by using FHI-vibes CLI functionality for templates generation:
vibes template calculator aims
Run the calculation
We can run the calculations using command line interface, by typing:
vibes run singlepoint aims.in | tee log.aims
Once the calculations are done the traditional input files for
FHI-aims (control.in
and geometry.in
) as well as the
output file aims.out
can be found in
. Additionally, vibes produces a trajectory
file aims/trajectory.son
, which contains all information for
postprocessing and is particularly useful for the
adavanced tasks tackled in the next tutorials. To inspect the output
using the CLI, type:
vibes output trajectory aims/trajectory.son
which would generate a trajectory.nc
Submit calculations on a cluster
Note that it is possible to submit calculations to the queue on a
computing cluster. To submit FHI-vibes calcuations to your cluster
you have to set up calculations as you have done earlier on your laptop,
and submit vibes run
command to the queue. As an example for slurm system,
you could use:
#!/bin/bash -l
#SBATCH -J md|vibes
#SBATCH -o log/md.%j
#SBATCH -e log/md.%j
#SBATCH --mail-type=all
#SBATCH --mail-user=your@mail.com
#SBATCH --nodes=1
#SBATCH --ntasks-per-node=32
#SBATCH --ntasks-per-core=1
#SBATCH -t 24:0:00
vibes run singlepoint aims.in
section to the input:
name: aims
tag: vibes
mail_type: none
mail_address: <userid>@rzg.mpg.de
nodes: 1
cores: 72
queue: general
timeout: 5
To familiarize yourself with the functionality of FHI-vibes you should visit
FHI-vibes documentation
page. For the time being, you could
progress with the next exercises of this tutorial.
The solutions to each exercise are stored in the folder solutions
for each exercise.
In this case trajectory.nc is generated just to show the functionality of FHI-vibes, we are not going to extract any tangible information from it. ↩